Denny’s Waitress Who Walks 14 Miles To Work Was Gifted Car By Dining Couple

Denny's Offers Free Breakfast In Effort To Aggressively Promote Sales

photo via getty.

Christmas is just around the corner and the season of gift giving has already started, at least for one lucky waitress.

Adrianna Edwards, a Denny's waitress in Galveston, Texas, walks 14 miles a day to get to work.

An anonymous couple who dines at Denny's learned of her story and returned two hours later with a car for Adrianna.

The couple bought her a 2011 Nissan Sentra. Adrianna shared, "Every two hours I come look out the window and see if it is still there" of the generous gift .

The generous couple asked for only two things:

  1. To remain anonymous
  2. For her to pay it forward.

now that doesn't sound like a bad deal at all.

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