Lisa Foxx Chats With A Sense Of Home Co-Founder Georgie Smith

A Sense of Home strives to prevent homelessness by creating first-ever homes for youth aging out of foster care with donated furniture and home goods.

30% of those struggling with homelessness are former foster youth. The homeless crisis can only end through prevention.

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A Sense of Home gathers the least recycled household items – furniture and home goods contributing to a greener environment. Returned products to furniture and home goods stores are often discarded. These quality items become a life-changing gift for former foster youth when installed lovingly by volunteers from the community; transforming the way the youth view themselves as well as those around them.

At the core of our work is the home creation. Empty walls, floors and rooms, once unlivable, are transformed into fully-furnished, functional and beautiful homes in less than two hours by a team of 12-24 volunteers.

By sponsoring home creations, businesses or families give back to the community while providing employees or family members a rewarding and life changing team-building experience. A Sense of Home not only eliminates the financial obstacles of furnishing a home, but also improves the overall well-being of the recipient as well as society overall.

A Sense of Home strives to create a physical home that is the embodiment of the dreams and unique personality of each youth (and their young family) to transform their experience of scarcity and survival to one of comfort and care. Youth who receive a home creation pay-it-forward by partaking as volunteers to create homes for other youth.

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