Nintendo Comes To The Rescue After A 95 Year Old's Game Boy Breaks

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So how many old school Gameboys does Nintendo have in it's secret stash? One grandmother was gifted one by the company in the best case of customer service ever!

The 95 year old grandmother, too frail to do much, always enjoyed playing Tetris on her first generation Gameboy. After her third Gameboy died, the woman and her grandson hoped to find replacement parts for it.

After her grandson told her about Nintendo's "excellent" customer service, grandma didn't hop on Twitter to talk to Nintedno; she sent the Gameboy to the company along with a letter asking if she could switch her Gameboy for a Nintendo Switch.

Instead of sending the 95 year old a Switch, the company broke out it's secret trove of original Gameboys, her one along with a letter wishing her "many more years of Tetris."

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