Beautiful Memorial Day Tribute As Dodger Stadium Lights Up!

What a BEAUTIFUL WAY to honor our fallen heroes on Memorial Day weekend🙁🙁🙁...THANK YOU DODGERS! I can't tell you how many times I've been, we've ALL been moved to tears on poignant holidays like Veterans Day, the 4th of July and Memorial Day AT Dodger Stadium...because of the incredible tributes they put together in ceremonies before the games started...those massive flags stretched out over the entire field, to the patriotic music and and stories of our service men & women shown on the Dodgers Vision big screen, the flyovers and then some...but obviously this year, EVERYTHING is different...yes, we are missing baseball AND sooo many are missing loved ones, family members who died in the line of we honor THOUSANDS who died in battle, in all of the wars over the years...those who dies to secure OUR FREEDOMS...LOOK at this RED, WHITE & BLUE SALUTE at Chavez Ravine...

Photo: Unsplash

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