Lizzo Announces She's Vegan & Shared What She Eats In A Day!

Lizzo just revealed that she switched to a vegan diet!

She shared everything she eats in a day on TikTok based on her new plant-based plan! She even shared her recommendation for plant-based a alternative for her favorite snack, hot cheetos!

In one of her videos she said "As a new vegan, I'm enjoying exploring flavors from plants & plant-based proteins! Every journey is personal & deserves to be celebrated."

Lizzo starts her day off with a green smoothie filled with coconut water, kale or spinach along with some frozen fruit. For lunch, she'll enjoy a colorful salad and for a snack she'll have Lesser Evil Paleo Puffs and for dinner she'll have meat-alternative balls!

Check out her videos for some ideas!

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