Who's Ready For Pepsi And Chocolate To Come Together For "Cocoa" Cola

Ok...I know we are desperate for ANYTHING to keep us distracted during this never ending pandemic but a 'hot chocolate-inspired' SODA drink??!!

Sure...its officially 'winter' and even in sunny California...we love a good hot cup of cocoa with marshmallows...but now Pepsi got involved and its gonna have a 'fizzy twist' ;/ In a tweet...

Pepsi essentially INVITED the public to 'retweet' the idea of a new 'Pepsi Cocoa Cola' drink, if they liked it...and enough tweets 'could maybe convince the big bosses at Pepsi, to develop a small batch for sale' ...YOUR WISH HAS BEEN GRANTED ;0 Coming sometime next year, a new drink featuring the classic taste of Pepsi cola...blended with the 'nostalgic childhood favorite...chocolate and marshmallow hot chocolate'...;0 Stayed tuned! Details to come in 2021!

What do you think...is this a drink YOU WILL TRY?? 

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