Champions Unite to Raise Funds for American Lung Association

The American Lung Association helps to save lives by improving lung health and helping to prevent lung disease. Founded over 115 years ago by a group of volunteers dedicated to ending the lung health threat of our time: tuberculosis, but with TB largely controlled in the US now, they have extended that mission to other respiratory diseases. And thanks to their donors, volunteers, program, event participants and staff...they are America’s trusted source for lung health education, lung disease research, support, programs, services and advocacy. Also learn more about what they are doing to curb the teen vaping epidemic, how they help folks stop smoking, how they fight for cleaner air and so much more at 

Powered by everyday heroes and volunteers. Your support fuels their mission. Participate in an event, volunteer, become an advocate, or donate. Make a difference today.

Check this out!! Our favorite Dodgers, Angels & Padres players are coming together for Champions Unite! A one-of-a-kind off-field talent show to support lung health for all, including overcoming COVID-19, tobacco control, youth anti-vaping and clean air – because when you can't breathe, nothing else matters.

Thursday, March 25, 2021

5:45 p.m. PST: Preshow

6:00 p.m. PST: Game Time

Details: Champions Unite

Thank you to my incredible guest actress/activist Shantel Van Santen...she is the Mission Ambassador for Champions Unite amongst her many missions for the American Lung Association. After losing her Grandmother to lung cancer 7 years ago, Shantel shares exudes passion as she hopes to continue to educate, spread awareness and SAVE LIVES! 

Join Shantel and Team DD in Support of the Lung Association! ( She kicks of her fundraising on March 27th for the event happening May 1st & 2nd. Tackling staircases, hiking trails and walking paths throughout LA, OC and IE, you name it! Team DD (named after her Grandma) has raised over $100,000 over the past 7 years through for their LUNG FORCE Walks and Fight For Air Climb. GO GURL!!!

Hear our conversation here:

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