Get 'Body-Ready' For Summer This Epic Fake Abs Bodysuit!

Still feeling a little 'Covid-puffy' from those extra pounds MOST of us put on, during the super depressing pandemic last year? Thank goodness life is slowly reopening again, including our gyms, but summer is almost here...oh shoot!! Too soon to have that body 'beach ready'??

NO PROBLEM, thanks to a company that just started marketing a body suit...designed to MAKE YOU LOOK FIT! For about $100 bucks, this Smitizen brand silicone bodysuit will make you look RIPPED! Without even breaking a sweatπŸ™‚ In fact, looks like there are a few companies getting good buzz online for the 'silly suits' that look more that a 'gag gift' but are said to be really good quality, a 100% medical-grade silicone to be exact.

They come in body skins for upper, lower OR FULL BODY depending on how 'hot' you wanna go πŸ˜…πŸ˜… Sadly, they won't help you actually 'get fit' but at the very least, help you buy some time till you do and maybe help you have a little fun freaking out your kids or strangers at the beach πŸ˜‚πŸ˜…

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