California Bill Pushing For A 4 Day, 32 Hour Work Week

A new California bill sounds like MUSIC TO THE EARS of sooooooo many over worked and hard working folks, but could this 'break' actually become a reality?? According to ABC news, bill AB 2932, is moving through the state legislature and would change the definition of a workweek from the 40 hours to 32 hours for companies with more than 500 employees. A full work day would remain at 8 hours.

The bill would require overtime pay for employees who work longer than four full days a week. According to Congressman Mark Takano (D-Riverside) this would amount to a 10% increase in pay for employees. Some employers who have already tested out a four day workweek say it has led to an increase in productivity AND profits. Other employers say it has led to more stressed out employees who feel like they are letting their teammates down by not supporting them more. What do YOU think?

Would you want this bill to pass?? OR keep things as they are now?

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