Lisa Foxx

Lisa Foxx

Lisa Foxx is an on air host at 104.3 MYFM from 10am-3pm! KBIG FM Los Angeles' More Music, More Variety radio stationFull Bio


Domino's Is Launching A Baby Registry For Parents Who Love Pizza

Bring on the CARBS! Calling all expecting mamas and papas who love pizza (I mean, who doesn't!?)!

Domino's Pizza is launching a baby registry "for the parents who prefer delicious melty cheese to wipe warmers" today...haa...

Moms and dads can register for the "Sleeping Through the Night" package or even the "Hormonal and Hangry" deal all to curb your pizza cravings.

They can also register for food-related clothing like pizza children's pants, pepperoni pizza moccasins, coffee mugs and more....pretty cute and smart Domino' IM CRAVING PIZZA!! :0

CLICK HERE to register!

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