Valentine In The Morning

Valentine In The Morning

Valentine In The Morning Show is on air from 5am-10am. Valentine, Jill and Jon Comouche are the morning show.


Jill Opens Up About Her Sister's Heartbreaking Experience

My sister Jenna and her husband Kevin have a daughter named Hazel. If you follow me on Instagram, you may have seen 1, maybe 2... okay, a hundred pictures of her.

Earlier this year, my sister surprised us all and said Hazel was going to be a big sister! Jenna was pregnant and due in October. Our family was over the moon to soon have another little one to love.

A few weeks ago, Jenna went for an ultrasound where they'd also learn the baby's gender. In fact, we had all planned to do dinner as a family - that same night - to find out if we'd be welcoming a baby boy or girl.

Instead, Jenna and Kevin found out that afternoon that their baby no longer had a heartbeat.

Penelope Alice was delivered on June 4th. She was 20 weeks and 6 days old.

There were so many emotions that day at the hospital. Jenna was exhausted; mentally and physically. As her older sister, I've always tried to protect her, but, for the first time, there was nothing I could do that day. Nothing but hug and cry with her. She and Kevin were experiencing the most unbearable grief.

I was so angry that day. And, to be honest, I still am. My sister is the type of person you need in your life. She never has a bad thing to say about anyone. She is so kind. She has the most wonderful heart. Why did this happen to her? Why does she have to experience this pain?

Really, why should anyone have to experience this devastation? There are so many couples dealing with fertility issues and pregnancy loss. Thank you all for sharing your stories, letting Jenna know she's not alone.

The strength Jenna has shown these last few weeks has been inspiring. Even though I know she wants to crumble and break, she gets out of bed every morning and is the most incredible mom to Hazel. When she needs to let herself be weak, her husband Kevin is right there to be the strong one.

This past Sunday, we had a memorial for Penelope with our family and closest friends. Jenna and Kevin want to make sure we keep her memory alive. She will forever be our family's angel. Watching over and protecting her big sister, Hazel.

Our family will now plant sweet pea seeds every Thanksgiving in honor of Penelope.

We found this website to help grieving families. They list retreats, support groups, counselors and other resources around LA:

Thank you for letting me share Jenna and Kevin's story. To anyone reading this who has lost a child, my thoughts and prayers are with you and your family.

- Jill

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