Britney Spears Father Officially Steps Down As Her Conservator

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A judge ruled yesterday (September 9) that Jodi Montgomery will serve as Britney Spears’ conservator until December 2020. 

Britney’s father, Jamie, asked that Montgomery have the same rights as he had; including the power to restrict or limit visitors by any means, the power to retain caretakers and security for Britney on a 24-hour basis, to prosecute civil harassment restraining orders, and communicate with expert medical personnel regarding Britney as well as have full access to her medical and psychiatric records.

Jamie asked to step down from the position due to health concerns and a pending criminal investigation where Kevin Federline filed child abuse documents against Jamie, after an altercation with his 13 year old son, Sean. 

A report looking into Britney’s care is expected to be filed and will look at the medication she has been given and the care she’s received. This could have a major impact on how this all plays out. 

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