Great White Shark Was Caught Leaping Out Of Ocean During Surf Competition

What a dope photo to capture and especially because catching a great white shark on camera breaching in Cali is so rare.

This past Saturday, veteran surf photographer Jordan Anast was able to catch some rare photos during a surf competition at San Onofre Surf Club's annual contest. The photos are of a great white shark jumping out of the ocean in the background as a surfer is seen at a safe distance nearby. Anast said that the moment reminded him of "Sharknado" and said that:

“My passion has always been to stop time for 1 second, capture a memory for someone or something that will last forever and show the world my pics through my lens. These shots will always be a part of San Onofre history and that is pretty cool,” Anast said.

Head to KTLA 5 to check out the dope photos Anast was able to capture of the great white shark.

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