Ok...it may only 'officially' be in select locations...but this 'Friends-Inspired' coffee menu is obviously meant for us ALL TO SHAREEEEEEE AND RECREATE EVERY WHERE!!! As Friends fans continue to celebrate the 25th anniversary of the show...this just seems like another OBVIOUS FIT...the COFFEE!! And from what I understand...the tweets, drinks below below may not even be on an 'official secret Starbucks menu' BUT...personal choices/creations that certain baristas have come up with, the coffee drinks they feel each character would have ordered back in the Central Perk days...from The Ross, The Rachel, The Chandler, The Phoebe, The Joey & The Monica...even a 'Smelly Cat' coffee hmmm...how would THAT TASTE? Ha a REAL FAN would be down to try it! Click here to find out more...🙂
Lisa Foxx is an on air host at 104.3 MYFM from 10am-3pm! KBIG FM Los Angeles' More Music, More Variety radio stationFull Bio