Well THANK GOD, we get a break from ALLLLLLLL THAT HOLIDAY FOOD AND BEVERAGE BINGING before Oreo's gets us ALL WORKED UP over 2 new MUST TRY FLAVORS! And no matter what you DIP it in...Almond Milk, Coconut Milk, Soy Milk...you name it, I still ALWAYS feel the need to DIP THE OREO'S! Coffee works too! Darn u Nabisco! Oreo's Chocolate Marshmallow AND Oreo's Caramel Coconut just sound TOO DELISH to say NO TO!! I hope they come in SMALL PACKAGES OR A TREADMILL!!!
Lisa Foxx is an on air host at 104.3 MYFM from 10am-3pm! KBIG FM Los Angeles' More Music, More Variety radio stationFull Bio