Since 1990, Habitat for Humanity Of Greater Los Angeles have built, rehabilitated and repaired more than 1,300 houses in neighborhoods across greater Los Angeles and the world. We believe shelter is a basic human need and Habitat LA strives to achieve its goal of eliminating substandard housing by making decent, sustainable and affordable housing a reality for all.
Habitat for Humanity of Greater Los Angeles (Habitat LA) has an open-door policy. We welcome anyone who shares our belief that everyone needs a safe, decent, affordable place to live, regardless of race, religion, age, gender, political views or any of the other distinctions that too often divide people.
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The overwhelming need for housing in our communities has provided Habitat For Humanity Greater Los Angeles (Habitat LA) with a unique opportunity to change lives in our neighborhoods.
Los Angeles ranks as one of the least affordable housing areas in the U.S., and yet Habitat for Humanity is one of the few – if not only – affordable homeownership programs that serves families and individuals earning 30-80% of the median family income.
Cost burden and overcrowding are the most serious problems experienced by very-low-income Southern California residents.
Working with volunteers, families, individuals, corporations, congregations, and donors, we are able to address this important housing issue throughout greater Los Angeles. We are dedicated to making homeownership possible for low-income, hardworking families and individuals.