Blogging from home...home sick, day 3 of feeling it, but its JUST A COLD! Terrible timing obviously with everyone being a bit 'freaked out' by every cough or sneeze...totally understandable...maybe its just better to be HOME where we've all been asked to stay for awhile...but still 'posting with the mosting' on social media...hoping to grab on to ANY POSITIVES happening to share, amidst all the chaos...
So how about this news from Amazon!!
Not only HIRING 100,000 NEW PEOPLE to handle this 'new normal' but taking care of their own by also giving RAISES to their current staff!! 'Opening new full and part-time positions across the country, in their fulfillment centers and delivery network to meet the surge in demand during this stressful time' a nutshell...who wants to make money helping people get what they need?? Find out more AND APPLY here.
Image via Getty