Blogging/working from home...u too? I've heard some crazy stories since this virus hit the US. With ALL THE PANIC BUYING at the stores; folks have been buying up all the toilet paper, bottled water, sanitizers, disinfectants and more by the truck load. LOTS of people felt the need to resort to MAKING their own hand sanitizers because all of the stores have been OUT. Tito's Vodka even made a statement about it, saying something like "DON'T USE OUR VODKA FOR SANITIZER" because its not strong enough to meet the guidelines. Hand sanitizer has to be 60% alcohol to work, while most vodka's like theirs is only 40%.
BUT now Tito's is changing their tune; announcing on Twitter over the weekend that their distillery is working hard to get the pieces in place to begin production on 24 TONS of Tito's Hand Sanitizer that adhere's to industry and governmental guidance!!
More details coming soon but Texas based Tito's also says it plans to GIVE IT AWAY FOR FREE!! God bless them! And now I want a Tito's and soda 🙂