Eh hem...well who knew FRUIT could be so 'naughty'??!!🙂 A new commercial promoting a fruit smoothie, featuring um fruit in a 'special way' is being deemed TOO NAUGHTY and will only be allowed to air LATER at night, after the kids are asleep ;0 The company Swisse Me hired the right creatives behind this new racy add, as its certainly doing its job in getting that 'media hype' to get a new product 'flying off the shelves'...I've watched it...sadly MANY TIMES...and I agree...a bit racy for the kids but WELL DONE!! I will never look at those fruits the same...meow! (And yes, I'm ordering 2 cases of the darn smoothie JUST TO TASTE what all the fuss is about) haaa!
What do you think?? TOO RACY?? Or just fine for all to see?? Check it out below:
Thumbnail via Getty