Ok baseball fans..I'm still in SHOCK that we are actually getting SOME KIND of season this year, with all that's been going on...but schedules were just announced and now its feeling REAL! Of course...one of THE hardest changes, will be NO FANS at the stadiums 😭😭😭 But I TRULY hope that MORE TEAMS will atleast let us 'be there' in THIS way...
The Angels are opening their season July 24th AT Oakland and fans can 'BE THERE' by purchasing a cardboard cut out to 'represent' your attendance!! Its actually being done THRU the A's...your cutout will stay THERE all season and proceeds will be going to a local charity...but hopefully MORE teams will be announcing this for their home openers, so we can all have a cutout at our HOME stadium🙂 Details to purchase are below...what do you think? I LOVE IT!!! Would you do this for your team??
MLB Fan Cutout Purchase Link: https://www.mlb.com/athletics/fans/experiences/cutouts