This is a WHOLE NEW LOW for delivery drivers, as a Southern California man shares surveillance video of an Uber Eats driver STEALING THEIR BELOVED FAMILY PET, their cat named Hog. Patrick Lewis has had Hog for 18 years, called Uber Eats to report it and filed a report with the LAPD. "What the customer reported in unacceptable", an Uber Eats spokesperson said in a statement. "We are working to get the cat returned, stand ready to help in the police investigation, and will take the appropriate action against the delivery person." Well AMEN to that! Now WHERE IS THEIR CAT? Did she think it was abandoned? Folks commenting on the owner's Instagram post are wondering why he hasn't posted HER NAME AND PROFILE PIC from his Uber Eats account...maybe he doesn't want her to retaliate against him and take it out on the kitty?
Here's what Patrick posted on his Instagram account along with the video...
Story and video, including the surveillance video courtesy of ABC7.