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The city of Santa Ana is looking for a 'Park Host' to live in a 2-3 bedroom trailer RENT FREE at their beautiful 32+acre Thornton Park. Yes, it might sound a bit untraditional but a great idea for park lovers on a budget, who are willing to 'keep an eye on things' as part of the deal, not to mention that cool view you'd wake up to every morning! Applicants should know, they'd be responsible for some tasks like raising and lowering the flag, restocking the toilet paper in the bathrooms, and if the trash overflows on busy days, yep, that’s the park host's job too. They'd also need to alert officials of any vandalism and help with any park events if needed. While the job is unpaid, hours would be flexible, and they could work another job no problem. Oh and there's that 'RENT FREE with UTILITIES INCLUDED' part...yeah!
According to the OC Register, the California State Park system has volunteer campground and park hosts at some 100 parks, including San Clemente State Beach. The National Park Service and Forest Service offer similar programs. If all goes as planned, Santa Ana is hoping to add two more park hosts to Centennial and Santiago parks in the future as well.
Find out more and apply HERE.