Valentine In The Morning Show is on air from 5am-10am. Valentine, Jill and Jon Comouche are the morning show.
Party Mishaps And Questionable Morals
Today on Valentine in the Morning: Just when you think you got your place set up for the perfect party, something catastrophic always seems to fall upon you and your guests. Whats a bummer party that you've thrown in the past? Later on we want to take a deep dive into some of the folks you choose to spend your time with, and see if their morals are up to par with your own?
Listen live every weekday from 5-10am pacific: Website: Instagram: @ValentineInTheMorning Facebook: TikTok: @ValentineInTheMorning
Happy News And Breaking Up On Valentine's Day
Today on Valentine in the Morning: We close out the first week of the month with your favorites; first sip to start the show, happy news throughout, and we help a listener seal the deal on breaking up before Valentine's Day.
Listen live every weekday from 5-10am pacific: Website: Instagram: @ValentineInTheMorning Facebook: TikTok: @ValentineInTheMorning
Envy Of The Sexes And What's In Your Boob Bank?
Today on Valentine in the Morning: The gang is finally all back together to tackle tough questions; like what do males envy about females and vice versa. And later we inquire with what our lady listeners typically hide down their shirts.
Listen live every weekday from 5-10am pacific: Website: Instagram: @ValentineInTheMorning Facebook: TikTok: @ValentineInTheMorning
The Things We Carry And Please Don't Invite Me Over Again
Today on Valentine in the Morning: We all have some invisible weight that burdens our shoulders day in and day out, yet no one gets to see that struggle. What weight do you want to finally let go of? Later in the show we want to know if you've ever been invited to someone's house that weirded you out so bad that you wanted to leave and never come back.
Listen live every weekday from 5-10am pacific: Website: Instagram: @ValentineInTheMorning Facebook: TikTok: @ValentineInTheMorning
Wasting Your Money And Free Contract Work
Today on Valentine in the Morning: No matter what it costs, we all got something that we blindly throw our money at on a weekly basis. Whether if its that iced coffee or video game currencies, we want to know what your breaking your bank for. Later in Comouche's Court, a couple get it a tiff over a house that needs a lot of work, and a boyfriend who won't fix it for free.
Listen live every weekday from 5-10am pacific: Website: Instagram: @ValentineInTheMorning Facebook: TikTok: @ValentineInTheMorning
Parent's Strange Rules And Dating Celebrities
Today on Valentine in the Morning: No matter where you're from, our parents were always full of odd requests and strange rules. We want to know what quirky protocol you had to follow as a kid. Then we want to take a peak behind the curtain and see if any of our listeners had dated any celebrities in the past. Needless to say, we ended up with some interesting stories.
Listen live every weekday from 5-10am pacific: Website: Instagram: @ValentineInTheMorning Facebook: TikTok: @ValentineInTheMorning
AI Gives Alabama Moon A Lyrical Makeover
Today on Valentine in the Morning: Happy Friday from everyone at Valentine In The Morning! We kick off the end of the week with a refreshing first sip, and a decent helping of your happy news. Later in the show, the lyrics to Val's classic country tune "Alabama Moon" gets a lyrical makeover with two AI programs; Chat GPT and Deep Seek. Which will make for a better batch of alternate lyrics?
Listen live every weekday from 5-10am pacific: Website: Instagram: @ValentineInTheMorning Facebook: TikTok: @ValentineInTheMorning
Making Simple Laws And Grammy or Scammy
Today on Valentine in the Morning: Sometimes its the little things that count the most, and more often than not those little things deserve some legislation behind them. What's a pet peeve of yours that you wish could have a law made about it? Later on we give away a pair of tickets to the 67th Annual Grammy Awards to one lucky listener!
Listen live every weekday from 5-10am pacific: Website: Instagram: @ValentineInTheMorning Facebook: TikTok: @ValentineInTheMorning
Passing Down Something Special And Honest Dating Profiles
Today on Valentine in the Morning: We all have a collection of something that we hold near and dear, but what's going to happen to all that stuff when we're no longer around? If you have grandkids, what would you be happy to pass down to them? Later we discuss the pros and cons about being brutally honest about yourself on your online dating profile, and we get an insight on what some of you are really like.
Listen live every weekday from 5-10am pacific: Website: Instagram: @ValentineInTheMorning Facebook: TikTok: @ValentineInTheMorning
Super Secret Snack Stash And Kisses In The Courtroom
Today on Valentine in the Morning: When you live with others, you gotta have your own secret hiding spots for all the best snacks. Whether you're keeping the cookies away from the kids, or cheating on that New Year's diet, you need a good stash spot. Later on in Comouche's Court, a marriage is on the brink of complete disaster after a kiss at an office party.
Listen live every weekday from 5-10am pacific: Website: Instagram: @ValentineInTheMorning Facebook: TikTok: @ValentineInTheMorning